Introduction. This is essentially one long response to the MathOverflow question: Intuitively, what does the graph Laplacian represent? The standard way of generalizing the Laplacian
to the discrete case of graphs is to interpret the gradient of a function as a difference between function values on nodes sharing a common edge. Following this line of thought allows you to exploit the link between the Laplacian and energy minimization through à la Euler-Lagrange. This leads to the idea of a Laplacian quadratic form.
In this article we take a different approach. Our new strategy is to develop a purely continuous heuristic of involving no derivatives, then to import that idea the graph setting to define the graphical Laplacian. As a small technicality, we're going to generalize the negative Laplacian, namely the negative of equation .
Heat equation Intuition. To extract this heuristic from , let’s explore why the Laplacian appears in the heat equation. We say , subject to the initial condition solves the heat equation if
In the above, f is interpreted as an initial heat distribution, and the solution is interpreted as the time evolution for . How does heat spread with time? The basic intuition is that heat averages out by comparison to its neighbors. If a point on is hotter (cooler) than its neighbors, then the point gets cooler (hotter) in the future. This intuition combined with equation suggests that as time passes, the Laplacian performs an averaging process on .
Formalism. Let's justify this intuition with quick Taylor expansion. In one-dimension (the higher dimensional cases follow similarly), the Laplacian is the second derivative. Consider the Taylor expansion of the function around the point . That is for , we have the expansion
Here, and is a small parameter. The average of in this interval is defined as
where . Integrating the Taylor expansion of over the ball and dividing gives the Taylor expansion of . In detail,
Since are independent of , they can be factored out of their corresponding integral. Furthermore, since is an odd function, the second term vanishes since the domain is symmetric about . Therefore,
Rewriting this, we arrive at the aforementioned heuristic
Again, this interpretation of the Laplacian is that involves no derivatives, making it amenable for generalizing to the discrete case.
Graph Laplacian. Now for the graph Laplacian. In the spirit of Trevisan, we focus on the case of a -regular graph. Fix a -regular graph , and let be its adjacency matrix and the identity matrix. We write column vectors as , with superscripts as indices.
We briefly recall the underlying vector space acts on. Since its size is , it acts on the vector space , the free vector space on . Vertices are in correspondence to a canonical basis element of , namely the indicator functions . This justifies conflating a vector with its corresponding function Moving on, we compute
where denotes the neighbors of the vertex . The last equality follows by the definition of the adjacency matrix, which is defined as the indicator matrix on . In English, this computation tells us after matrix multiplication with the adjacency matrix, the resulting component contains the sum over its neighbors. This is awfully close to averaging the function value of over its neighbors. In fact, dividing out this number by the degree turns the result into a genuine average. Thus, the mapping is analogous to .
Out analogy is close to full bloom. Since , multiplying by the identity matrix recovers the function value (for each component). So as advertised, matrix multiplication by on a function (vector) gives the difference between the function value and its local average.