Derivation of OLS

We formulate and solve for OLS as the solution to a minimization problem.

23 February 2025

Setup. The goal of classical linear regression is to obtain the affine function of best fit given training data (x1,y1)(x_1,y_1), ... , (xm,ym)(x_m,y_m) where xiRnx_i\in \R^n and yiRy_i\in \R. An affine function HH in variable x=[x1,...,xn]x=[x^1,...,x^n] is specified by n+1n+1 parameters βT=[β0,β1,...,βn]\beta^T=[\beta^0,\beta^1,...,\beta^n] by

H(x):=β0+i=1nxnβn=x~Tβ,\begin{equation} \begin{split} H(x)&:=\beta^0+\sum_{i=1}^n x^n\beta^n\\ &=\tilde{x}^T\beta, \end{split} \end{equation}

where x~T=[1,xT]\tilde{x}^T = [1, x^T]. The parameter β0\beta^0 controls the affine shift, while the parameters β1,...,βn\beta^1,...,\beta^n define a normal to any level set of HH. "Best fit" is understood in the sense of quadratic error minimization. Thus, our problem is to find

β^=arg minH affine{i=1myiH(xi)2}=arg minβRn+1{i=1myix~iTβ2}=arg minβRn+1{yXβ2}.\begin{equation} \begin{split} \hat{\beta}&=\argmin_{H \text{ affine}}\{\sum_{i=1}^m |y_i-H(x_i)|^2\}\\ &=\argmin_{\beta\in \R^{n+1}}\{\sum_{i=1}^m |y_i-\tilde{x}_i^T\beta|^2\}\\ &=\argmin_{\beta\in \R^{n+1}}\{\|y-X\beta\|^2\}.\\ \end{split} \end{equation}

For the last line, we define the design matrix XX as the m×(n+1)m\times (n+1) matrix where the iith row is the vector xiTx_i^T. Also, yT:=[y1,...,ym]y^T:=[y_1,...,y_m].


Minimum. We can interpret the final form of (2)(2) as the following question: what is the projection of a vector yRmy\in \R^m to the column space of XX? Note that by convexity, we get a local-to-global property. Therefore, it suffices to compute the first order optimality conditions for yXβ2\|y-X\beta\|^2 to find its minimum. We expand this out as

β^=arg minβyXβ2=arg minβ(yXβ)T(yXβ)=arg minβ(yTβTXT)(yXβ)=arg minβyTyyTXββTXTy+βTXTXβ=arg minβy22yTXβ+βT(XTX)β,\begin{equation} \begin{split} \hat{\beta}&=\argmin_{\beta} \|y - X\beta\|^2\\ &= \argmin_{\beta} (y - X\beta)^T (y - X\beta) \\ &= \argmin_{\beta} (y^T - \beta^T X^T)(y - X\beta) \\ &= \argmin_{\beta} y^T y - y^T X\beta - \beta^T X^T y + \beta^T X^T X \beta \\ &= \argmin_{\beta} \|y\|^2 - 2 y^T X \beta + \beta^T (X^T X) \beta, \end{split} \end{equation}

where the last line follows from the fact that transpose is the identity on scalars. Since the first term doesn't involve β\beta, it won't appear in the first order optimality condition. For the second term, we compute the partial derivative in coordinates as

βk(yTXβ)=βki,jyiXjiβj=i,jyiXjiβkβj=i,jyiXjiδkj=iyiXki=(yTX)k=(XTy)k.\begin{equation} \begin{split} \partial_{\beta^k}(y^TX\beta)&=\partial_{\beta^k} \sum_{i,j} y_i X^i_j \beta^j\\ &= \sum_{i,j} y_i X^i_j \partial_{\beta^k} \beta^j \\ &= \sum_{i,j} y_i X^i_j \delta^j_k \\ &= \sum_i y_i X^i_k \\ &= (y^T X)_k \\ &= (X^T y)^k. \end{split} \end{equation}

The last equality follows from the fact that the kkth entry of a vector and its dual agree, as well as the convention that tangent vectors are column vectors. It follows that

β(yTXβ)=XTy.\begin{equation} \nabla_\beta(y^TX\beta)=X^Ty. \end{equation}

For the third term, we set A:=(XTX)A:=(X^TX) and compute

βk(βT(XTX)β)=βk(βTAβ)=βki,jβiAjiβj=i,jAjiβk(βiβj)=i,jAji(δkiβj+βiδkj)=jAjkβj+iAkiβi=(Aβ)k+(βTA)k=(Aβ)k+(ATβ)k=((A+AT)β)k=(2(XTX)β)k.\begin{equation} \begin{split} \partial_{\beta^k}(\beta^T(X^TX)\beta)&=\partial_{\beta^k} (\beta^T A \beta)\\ &= \partial_{\beta^k} \sum_{i,j} \beta_i A^i_j \beta^j \\ &= \sum_{i,j} A^i_j \partial_{\beta^k} (\beta_i \beta^j) \\ &= \sum_{i,j} A^i_j (\delta_{ki} \beta^j + \beta_i \delta_{k}^j) \\ &= \sum_{j} A^k_j \beta^j + \sum_i A^i_k \beta_i \\ &= (A \beta)^k + (\beta^T A)_k \\ &= (A \beta)^k + (A^T \beta)^k \\ &= \bigg((A + A^T) \beta\bigg)^k\\ &= (2(X^TX)\beta)^k. \end{split} \end{equation}

It follows that

β(βT(XTX)β)=2(XTX)β.\begin{equation} \nabla_\beta(\beta^T(X^TX)\beta)=2(X^TX)\beta. \end{equation}

We use these computations to obtain first order optimality conditions. The critical point β^\hat{\beta} satisfies the constraint

0=βyXβ2=βy22β(yTXβ)+β(βT(XTX)β)=2XTy+2(XTX)β^=XTy+(XTX)β^.\begin{equation} \begin{split} 0&=\nabla_\beta\|y-X\beta\|^2\\ &=\nabla_\beta \|y\|^2 - 2 \nabla_\beta (y^T X \beta) + \nabla_\beta(\beta^T (X^T X) \beta)\\ &=-2X^Ty+2(X^TX)\hat{\beta}\\ &=-X^Ty+(X^TX)\hat{\beta}. \end{split} \end{equation}

Assuming (XTX)(X^TX) is invertible, it follows that the minimizer is given by the equation

β^=(XTX)1XTy.\begin{equation} \hat{\beta} = (X^TX)^{-1}X^Ty. \end{equation}

This gives us the affine function of best fit.